GSoC’21 Community Bonding Period @CircuitVerse

Ayan biswas
2 min readJun 9, 2021


Preface: This blog will consist my Journey of the Community bonding period after selection in GSoC 2021 with CircuitVerse organization.

Hello World, I am Ayan Biswas , currently pursuing my Bachelors of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication engineering at Jadavpur University. This year I have been selected as a student participant in Google Summer of Code 2021 under the organization CircuitVerse & will be spending the next 10 weeks developing the Integration of CircuitVerse with LMS Platforms .

More details of my project can be found here , Integration of CircuitVerse with LMS Platforms

About my Organization 🏢

CircuitVerse is an online circuit simulatiom platform which aims to provide a platform where circuits can be designed and simulated using a graphical user interface. While users can design complete CPU implementations within the simulator, the software is designed primarily for educational use. CircuitVerse is an open-source project with an active community.

My Community Bonding Period Experience 🚴🏻

My community bonding period was quite relaxed as I was quite familiar with the community from the month of January so the development strategies, contributing guidelines and other necessary things.

We have a all hands meet right after the project selections and also we have our one-to-one interaction where we get to know more about each other, learned best practises of the organization and also we have discussed about more about our individual projects.

These are the few things which I have executed in this period

  • Development environment setup : I was set up my dev environment quite early , I used docker to setup the entire project , here is the main project repository of CircuitVerse,
  • Revised proposal and set up development goals : In the one-to-one meetings with project specific mentors,I have cleared all doubts regarding the upcoming works and also decided the project direction and discussed about different development options regrading the LMS integration with CircuitVerse.
  • Started creating a MVP for the discussed solution : As soon as I refined the proposal and got a clear picture of the upcoming development goals, I started building a minimum viable product for my solution and also started testing the solution in various LMS platforms like Moodle..
  • Continued Learning : As the main codebase is very large so I have continuously done code reading, and learned the naming conventions of variables and so on.

So this was my community bonding experience in GSoC 2021 with CircuitVerse and I am really excited for the coding period to build a cool project.

Previous Blog on Google Summer of Code 📚

Here are the previous blogs which I have written during Google Summer of Code

  1. My Journey to Google Summer of Code 21 with CircuitVerse and insights on the Proposal for GSoC



Ayan biswas

GSoC’21 participant @CircuitVerse || ETCE Undergrad class of 2023 @Jadavpur University